All AIDA employees are familiarized with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. In addition, we have created a new e-learning training program. AIDA employees can carry out the training at any time and place, whether they are on board or ashore, thanks to the e-learning program. Overall, we used 2013 to increase the understanding of our employees, at all levels, about issues such as the code of conduct and ethics, anti-corruption, anti-trust, insider dealing and handling employee complaints.
As a multinational company with employees from 34 nations, diversity is naturally part of our working lives – and a tremendous enrichment. For this reason we have joined the “Charta of Diversity” initiative. By doing so, we expressly declare that we respect all of our employees, irrespective of gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, world view or age. Furthermore, we ensure that we take into account the cultural specificities of colleagues from other countries of origin, and that we look after their needs. We employ chefs, for example, who prepare authentic traditional dishes for our Asian employees.
In accordance with our corporate culture, we work in a climate of mutual appreciation and respect, independent of age and hierarchy. We joined the “Fair Company” initiative coordinated by karriere.de, because we see fair practices with regard to interns, students and university graduates as a matter of course. This has contributed to us holding the “Fair Company” quality seal since 2010.
If employees observe unequal treatment, they can contact their supervisors, the employee representation committee, or anther trusted person. Since March 2012, the ship’s council has been expanded to include an HR manager on all ships put into service after 2007. The HR manager enhances the existing personnel work on board and also advises on issues related to labor law. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics clearly regulates how we deal with discrimination. In such cases, the specialist departments and the HR department are notified immediately. We thoroughly investigate reported cases and may apply labor law sanctions within the framework of our zero tolerance policy. No cases of discrimination were reported to us in 2013.
In November 2012, AIDA signed the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the United Nation’s World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This represents another major advance in our journey towards responsible and sustainable tourism.