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Innovative technology

Innovative technology

Development of alternatives

One of the key challenges in environmental protection is the reduction of emissions – for example sulfur, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter. To reduce these emissions even further in the future, we are committed to the development of alternative ways to generate and use power in maritime transport.

It’s full speed ahead in the application of innovative environmental and efficient technologies. As German market leader, we feel we have a particular responsibility to set an example and thus be a technological pioneer.

Exhaust treatment technology

Shoreside power

LNG Hybrid Barge

Dual-fuel engines

MALS technology

Reduction of fuel consumption

Reducing emissions, preserving resources

Waste management on board

Waste water treatment

Fresh water savings

Protecting biodiversity: Ballast water treatment

Research projects


An intensive exchange of knowledge, ideas and different points of view fosters our continuing further development.

GRI Index

GRI Index

Our sustainability report is based on the regulations of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

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