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AIDA supports democracy initiative "WE. Success needs diversity"

Rostock, 03. June 2016

In 2016, the cruise line AIDA Cruises once again offers its support to the democracy initiative “WIR. Erfolg braucht Vielfalt” (“WE. Success needs diversity”) by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a donation of 5,000 euros. With this, AIDA Cruises takes a stand against right-wing extremism.
On June 2, 2016, Sylvia Bretschneider, President of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Parliament, and Martin Scriba, the initiator of the initiative, presented AIDA Cruises with a symbolic share in democracy.

“Cultural diversity is an essential part of our corporate culture,” said Hansjörg Kunze, Vice President Communication & Sustainability at AIDA Cruises. “AIDA Cruises currently employs personnel from more than 40 nations. Open-mindedness, respect and teamwork among people from different countries of the world are values that are firmly anchored in our company and that our employees bring to life. For us it goes without saying that we are committed to social diversity.”

Cultural diversity is not only an important cornerstone of a democratic and livable society, but it is also essential for the economic growth of the region. AIDA Cruises, a successful multinational corporation and the largest employer in the region, offers its support to the "WE" initiative’s commitment for an open-minded and democratic Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

04. July 2014

Dance on the Atlantic – crossing the big pond with AIDA

When the famous seafarer Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic in 1492 he didn’t know where the voyage would end. In America. Five centuries after his discovery of the new continent, crossing the Atlantic Ocean by ship has lost none of its fascination and allure. In ... [more]

01. July 2014

750,000 Facebook fans on board

On June 28, 2014, AIDA Cruises welcomed its 750,000th fan on the AIDA Facebook page. This places the cruise line in a top position for tourism in Germany. AIDA joined the social network in July 2009. Since then, the fan community has continuously grown.“Direct contact with our ... [more]

19. June 2014

First guide dog goes on an AIDA cruise

Barrier-free accessibility is a high priority with AIDA Cruises. In May 2014, a certified guide dog accompanied a couple on an AIDA Cruise for the first time. Nine-year-old Alfa helped her blind owner, Frank Kähms, make his way around the ship. This was a first for him and also ... [more]

30. May 2014

Excellent conferencing at sea: AIDA vessels recognized as “Certified Conference Ships”

AIDAaura and AIDAvita are the first cruise ships to receive the accolade of “Certified Conference Ship.” The ships were audited in mid-May and certified with the quality check of the VDR (German Business Travel Association).This means that the ships meet all quality criteria ... [more]



Hansjörg Kunze
Vice President Communication & Sustainability
